Friday, 18 November 2016

How To Study The Bible

Reading the Bible and Studying the Bible are two different things. They are both important. A believer must spend ample time reading and also studying.
The more a believer reads his Bible; the easier his study will become.
Each day, a believer must read/listen to the Bible being read(in audio format).

Bible Study Methods:

1. Book by book study:
This is staying on a specific Book of the Bible and trying to find out how the writer intended his readers it to understand it. Also, to find out how those to whom it was written for; understood it.
This is also done to find out the context of the writings so we don't quote out of context.
Many Pastors/Church leaders ignorantly abuse Romans 2:1
They always quote that verse out of context; when a follower shows up late or is found wanting in his duties.
"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man...."
but, that's not what that verse is talking about.
Here's the full verse:
"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." (Romans 2:1).
Each Bible Writer had a peculiar way of thinking and way of communication. By studying a Believer will discover the differences in the communication of each Writer.
2. Topical Study:
The Bible is a collection of Canonical writings; but, it is not written in Topical arrangements. A believer will have to study about individual topics, since the Bible isn't arranged that way.
A believer must recognize the 3eras differentiated in the Bible
-before the law
-Under the law
-Under grace
Each topic must be studied with this understanding(Check the topic "Three definitions of sin").
Each era has a different teaching for most topics. It's unfortunate; many Christian leaders mix it all up.
Before the law, people had to offer sacrifices for their sins(Job 1:5).
Under the law, the High Priest had to offer sacrifices for people's sins(Hebrews 5:1).
Under Grace, "Jesus has washed us from our sins" hence, we no longer have the nature of sin(Revelation 1:5).
3. Character Study:
A believer may love the life of a Bible character; because of the consistency which they displayed in aspects of their lives.
King David never lost a battle all his life. The only battle they ALMOST lost; was the one he didn't attend(2Samuel 11). That's fascinating! A believer may appreciate that and decide to find out what King David did that made him that way.
Daniel the prophet, was said to be a man with an excellent spirit; which made him preferred above his contemporaries(Daniel 6:3).
In character study, you're trying to find out what made the Bible character such a success in specific aspects of his/her life.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).
God Bless you.

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