The Bible
Can it be trusted? Is it really from God?
We'll be looking at one unique attribute of the Bible.
Which is:
Almost every miracle in the Bible was done at least twice.
Telling us, "we can prove them by trying to do same today"
1. Miracle of Food Multiplication
Many are aware that Jesus multiplied food in the Bible but,
Did you know?
Elisha was the first person in the Bible to multiply food
2Kings 4:42-44.
Showing us that Jesus trusted God to multiply bread and fish;
Because, He knew that God did the same for Elisha.
2. Miracle of dividing a water body
Moses was the first man in the Bible to achieve such a feat(Exodus 14)
Joshua did same(Joshua 3:14-17)
Elijah trusted God to do same for him and didn't need to struggle(2Kings 2:8)
Elisha saw Elijah do that and believed for the same(2Kings 2:14).
3. Miracle of Walking on water
Jesus knew about the miracles of dividing water bodies
He dared to trust God for something better.
Yes! To walk on water!!
"As the night was ending, Jesus came walking on the sea" Matthew 14:25(NET)
Peter saw Jesus and remembered that "what God can do for one, He can do for all"
Peter said to Him, "Lord, if it is you, order me to come to you on the water" Matthew 14:28(NET)
Jesus said to him "come." Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus Matthew 14:29(NET)
4. Miracle of raising the dead
Elijah was the first person in the Bible to achieve this feat(1Kings 17:17-24)
Elisha, who was Elijah's servant saw how Elijah did his and trusted God for same
And raised a dead child(2Kings 4:20-37)
Jesus raised 3people from death
The Widow's son(Luke 7:11-16)
Jarius' daughter (Mark 5:35-43)
Lazarus(John 11)
Peter did same because He saw how Jesus did it(Acts 9:36-41)
Paul did the same(Acts 20:7-12)
Praise God!
Miracles didn't happen more than once in the Bible, by chance.
It's for our learning:
For whatever things were written before, were written for our learning,
That we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures
Might have hope Romans 15:4(NKJV).
Because it happened then, it can still happen today again.
If ONLY you can dare to believe
All you need is to believe!
"What do you mean, 'if I can'? Jesus asked. Anything is possible if a person believes"
Mark 9:23(NLT).
God Bless You.
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